
Dyan Jean

The past






Please Read These First.
Sunday, July 19, 2009

first time to BLOG ;D
first time to BLOG

*Big waves to you sitting in front of your monitor*
Its my first time to join blogspot,but i know how to use this so I'm not problematic
about editing something here in blog,,
Even though I have a test
this coming Monday July 20,2009 I make this without mindingmy test
hihihi,,by the way want to know more 

about me?
here is some more info about me
The name's Dyan Jean, it's simple
. I took my first breath in 1995. I shall blow off the increasing number of candles each year on Twenty-Two of August.I am a bor again,, I am addicted to friendster so i got lazy in making blog...I am a typical schoolgirl just like you and loves to laugh.
Probably I am crazy over webdesigning, playing pet society and hanging out my with all my BFFs! & not forgetting my lovely family.
I like Mother Nature too; I simply don't get tired walking past plants and flowers everyday.
I walk around the shopping mall every weekend to buy more and more stuff!
I hate the most in this world - copycats, boastful people and backstabbers. To me, they simply suck.
So if you are one, please get lost before I bash you up! (just kidding, i'm not the violent type)
Just for your information, I am not a famous blogger. Honest.
CAUSE IM ONLY STARTING to blog here in the web
But I hope I'll have many friends in blog world 
-dyan jean
Sunday, July 19, 2009

first time to BLOG ;D
first time to BLOG

*Big waves to you sitting in front of your monitor*
Its my first time to join blogspot,but i know how to use this so I'm not problematic
about editing something here in blog,,
Even though I have a test
this coming Monday July 20,2009 I make this without mindingmy test
hihihi,,by the way want to know more 

about me?
here is some more info about me
The name's Dyan Jean, it's simple
. I took my first breath in 1995. I shall blow off the increasing number of candles each year on Twenty-Two of August.I am a bor again,, I am addicted to friendster so i got lazy in making blog...I am a typical schoolgirl just like you and loves to laugh.
Probably I am crazy over webdesigning, playing pet society and hanging out my with all my BFFs! & not forgetting my lovely family.
I like Mother Nature too; I simply don't get tired walking past plants and flowers everyday.
I walk around the shopping mall every weekend to buy more and more stuff!
I hate the most in this world - copycats, boastful people and backstabbers. To me, they simply suck.
So if you are one, please get lost before I bash you up! (just kidding, i'm not the violent type)
Just for your information, I am not a famous blogger. Honest.
CAUSE IM ONLY STARTING to blog here in the web
But I hope I'll have many friends in blog world 
-dyan jean
Site Mistress

Info about DyanJean
More about DyanJean

Dyan Jean B de Jesus
has a pair of deep brown eyes;
4'11 in height; has a long BLACK hair, CHiNKY eyes;a FRiENDLY, NiCE, SWEET..
a FUN LOViNG person; thinks that her BEST ASSET is her HAIR;
loves to SMiLE ü most of the time;YOUNGEST CHiLD OUT OF 3;
a certified MUSiC LOVER , loves ANIME too and at some point a LONER;
wishes to travel in every part of the world; thinks that she’s a lil EGOCENTRIC;
loves all the PINKNESZ that a typical girl loves; high risk in DANGER because of
her ADVENTUROUS BLOOD;a HOMEBUD if given no other options;
but still knows her LiMiTATiONS; trusts GOD above everyone else; WEiRDO in some ways;
loves SOCiALiZATiON & HANGiNG OUT with family & friends; TAKES things as
EASY as it could be;a BiG FAN of anime, snsd & hellokitty;has tendencies
on having MOOD SWiNGS; has this SENSE OF STYLE in fashion;loves SURPRiSES; ADORES
every shade of PiNK; what dyanjean WANTS, is what dyanjean GETS- in a positive way :))
tries EVERY POSSiBLE THiNG that can be done; can be a BRAT if she has to;has a
STRONGER personality now;knows how to SET GOALS and PRiORiTiZE things; COLLECTS
cute and girly stuffs; LOVES to act; someone who just wants to be HAPPY ü & hates
to be SAD :c ..ANTi- flirts, liars, backfighters, copycats;TRUST is the LAST THING
that can be given to anyone;STANDS for what she BELiEVES; LEAST PRiORiTY
is herself;i have the ability to pick myself right back up when i feel
down 'im a CHARMiNG & WARM person..i really get along with almost everyone;
i work hard not to rock the boat, my attitude brings
people together..at times i can be a LiL BiT FLACKY & irresponsible but in the important things..
a big NO!just an ORDiNARY GiRL with an EXTRAORDiNARY SMiLE…Ü

A room makeover

LG cyon lollipop Phone

hair spa

kawaii accessories

Latest Cyber-shot camera

Korean Hair

diamond peel

hair rebond

Dye my hair brown

A new Kawaii theme
Loves & Hates
? God
? Family
? Friends
? Kawaii
? Computer
? Anime
X Exams
X Copycats
X Liars
X Backstabbers
X Fakers
X Rippers
X Spammers
X Whores
X Low Grades
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