Friday, January 21, 2011

My Favorite Anime Character

Sawako is a shy yet honest girl who is in search of friendship, but her resemblance to horror film character Sadako and Sawako's modesty and her tendency to shy away from correcting people of misconceptions prevent her from doing so, to the point most of the school believed her name was in fact Sadako. Thanks to Kazehaya's kind and open nature, she is able to gradually open up to her classmates, and talk to different people. Her modesty towards friends is so strong that Yoshida has to tell her point-blank, in Vol. 2, that "Did you know? Without realizing it ... we were already friends!" With help from Kazehaya, Yano and Yoshida she gradually begins to make friends. She is grateful (and at first, worships) Kazehaya for giving her the opportunities to make close friends, which come to include Yano, Yoshida, Kazehaya and Ryu. Yano and Yoshida admit that Sawako's 'like' to Kazehaya might be even more than Yano and Yoshida themselves. She is rather short, in part because her father is as well (he is only 160 cm tall) and is surprisingly fast (to the point some people believe she is teleporting) which is revealed during a soccer match at the school's sports festival. During Yano and Yoshida's first visit to Sawako's house, Yoshida notes that Sawako's lips and figure looks like her mother's and most of Sawako's other features resemble her father's. A running gag is that she seems to take what people say seriously as well as over-analyze a situation, which tends to scare the people around her when she is deep in thought.
When Kazehaya practically confessed right in front of her that he likes her, but she believes it was a misunderstanding and that he was just saying he doesn't hate her. However, after having everything cleared up they officially start dating, though this only brings up rumors that she somehow used black magic to get and^^

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