Friday, May 7, 2010

My Clannad FanPage on FB
hello to my readers (。◕‿◕。)
Please like the FanPage that I made
just click the picture. ↑ (≧◡≦)
(~o ̄▽ ̄)~o By the way,
thanks for following my blog fedorianz,
and Liyana for adding me in facebook.
Blogged @ 5:52 AM |

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Facebook Addict?

I always play many types of games on facebook
I wonder if I became addicted ...
Because there is no day I didn't play fb games
hehehe For me the best facebook game is PET SOCIETY
I love it most... but I also love friends for sale
and many many more!!!! That only means that I really
love playing facebook games ahehehehe :))
ok I gotta go out in blogger.. gonna play fb games XD
Blogged @ 4:09 AM |

Monday, May 3, 2010


I always can't sleep these past few days (╯_╰). . .
I only slept 4hours last night (╥_╥) huhuhu soo sad
I think this causes me (⋋▂⋌) pimples. . .
and big eye bugs (⊙_◎)
(╯ಊ╰) Sometimes I wake up very early, . .
while I sleep very late. . .
ohh its so depressing (︶ω︶)
and that's also the reason why I'm always
online in facebook (≧ω≦) . . . or in other sites
Blogged @ 6:28 AM |

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I have new blog layout again!! hehe C:
Blogged @ 5:20 AM |